Little Barbie's Secret Garden

Monday, October 6, 2008

Let's get the SHOW started~

I have been attending a lot a lot of events recently...

OK Lah...not a lot a lot lah.
Just 2 events.

But those events make my days,dude.

Skip out all the rubbish and boring speech..

Little Barbie show you her wonderful day in...

"Royal Melbourne Show"

*with clapping hand as background sound. Clap Clap!*

At the entrance with the map

Look,what have i found,a "mobile stage"~
Ok,Is a bicycle,,is a mobile stage bicycle.
Ready to enter the world of animal farm.

Oh,never know that hush poppy can be so cute in real life.
and a very Hot Dog~
Found a very weird-arrogant-looking pigeon here too.
Now i know why this pigeon look so arrogant,because she just won a title "Miss Best Of Breed Pigeon".Don't need to be so arrogant,bird,you are not "Miss World"!

Have you realize that they look alike? I mean the pet and the owner.hmm..
So furry,can be the material of my bag~
Beethoven the dog,so huge yet still a puppy.Again, why the dog and the owner are about the same size ah?
Smart dog,i like i like...
Grumpy dog~
PomPom dog,look at his tie up pom-pom fur,he is a winner!
so cute~~~~~
Irritating dog,oo.....look familiar...especially the eyes,why look so alike with my Barbie alvin?
Ok,then i turn into little evil Barbie while i have my ice-cream..
Little barbie,Shuang shuang and Jin Fong
Barbie and little evil Barbie
Introducing the Alpaca,a mixture breed of camel and sheep (based on my own opinion)
Alpaca are extremely shy to stranger,but definitely NOT this black one~
A close-up of Alpaca.Look like camel + sheep,right?Pig pig and little Barbie

Little Lamb and little Barbie

All day long at the showground,Barbie and Little Evil Barbie are extremely tired. Time to take the last shot and go back home.

Thanks peepz
