Little Barbie's Secret Garden

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rest In Peace,Lydia Shum

"Lydia Shum Din-Ha (Chinese: 沈殿霞, July 21, 1947 – February 19, 2008), also known as Lydia Sum, was a Hong Kong comedian and actress known for her size. Regularly sporting her signature dark rimmed glasses, she was affectionately known to peers and fans as Fei-fei (肥肥, literally Fat Fat or Fatty), and has appeared in numerous Hong Kong films.
On 19th February 2008, the news of her death was released which she passed away in Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong in the morning at 08:38."

Time flies,i use to watch her TV show and drama since i am small.WTF
What a sudden of her death news.
Hong Kong entertainment field must be in extremely down mood since Edison's sex scandal and continuously with the death of Lydia Shum.

May you rest in peace,Lydia Shum and may you live in shame,Edison Chen.


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